[SąT dev] [en] some news

Goffi goffi at goffi.org
Mar 10 Mar 09:35:28 CET 2015


as we mainly speak on the muc room, we don't give a lot of news here. 
So, to quickly summarise:

	- we are doing an important refactoring to use Libervia with 
QuickFrontend. QuickFrontend is a template for frontends which do most 
of the frontend logic, so it's easy to implement a new frontend (in a 
perfect world, we would just have to do the graphical stuff). Porting 
Libervia on it will factorise a lot of code, simplify the maintenance, 
and allow to implement stuff for every frontends at once (every frontend 
based on QuickFrontend of course).

	- we have implemented multi-profiles on QuickFrontend/Primitivus: 
multi-profiles exists since the begining in the backend, but Primitivus 
was only managing one profile at once, so you had to launch several 
instance of it if you wanted more. Now you can use as many as desired in 
the same instance, and other frontends based on QuickFrontend can do the 
same if needed (Libervia stay mono-profile for simplicity)

	- our second XEP was published (XEP-0356), after merging the 
refactoring branch, we'll work on implementing them.

	- Souliane has implemented MAM (Message Archive Management, XEP-0313), 
and Result Set Management (XEP-0059), that allow to have go further in 
microblog history (so far we were only displaying the 10 last). It a 
next release, it will also benefict to chat by allowing server-side 
history (specially usefull if you use XMPP with multiple devices)

	- We (well, mainly Souliane) have also worked on the new version of the 
website, which talk more about the association, and less about technial 
stuff. We are preparing the coming of general audience release.

As you see, we are moving forward.

Now, in the close future we have to:

	- merge the multi-profiles/QuickFrontend branch, this is nearly done 
(we hope to finish tomorrow)

	- implement the XEP-0355 an XEP-0356

	- work on file upload

	- import our own blogs

	- do a couple of side stuff

We have roughly estimated the next release around the second half of 
April. We also start at the same time a adhesion campain for the 
association, we hope to have ~6000 members before the end of the year, 
which would allow us to support our life with the project.

Any question welcome, and don't forget that we are most of time on 
sat at chat.jabberfr.org MUC room.


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